Saturday 20 December 2008

Pinocchio (Disney Gold Classic Collection)

Pinocchio (Disney Gold Classic Collection)Disney's second full length movie after Snow White. Delightful, hand-drawn images.

Customer Review: Haven't received my merchandise

I ordered my DVD several weeks ago and am still waiting for it. The estimated time of arrival indicated November 3 at the latest. I also contacted the vendor, but have not received any reply. I am very unhappy at this point.

Customer Review: Suitable for viewing by every child and child at heart

I first saw this movie as a child some sixty-five years ago and have always remembered it fondly. Now, having my first grandchild, I began to wonder if it was really as good as I thought it was and if my granddaughter might enjoy seeing it too.

What a joy! Walt Disney's Pinocchio is everything I remembered it to be. The musical score is enchanting and the art work superb. Truly remarkable, the art work, drawn by true craftsmen, makes modern computer graphics look shallow and sickly by comparison. The principle characters are equally well done and charmingly presented. And, best of all, Pinocchio's story carries with it three important moral lessons which every child should learn: If you want to be a real boy [or girl] you must listen to your parents and let your conscience be your guide; if you tell a lie it will be as plain as the nose on your face; and if you don't follow your conscience and mind your parents, you'll most likely go astray and make a jackass of yourself.

This is simply a great film and a great story with a great message, and is suitable for viewing by every child and child at heart from the age of five to at least one hundred and five. Too bad the limit is five stars. This film and those who made it certainly deserve much more.

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